

Maddie Lindemann graduated with her M.S. in MechE

Congratulations Maddie! Thesis: The Design and Development of a 3D Printed Hindlimb Stabilization Apparatus for the Measurement of Stimulation-Evoked Ankle Torque in the Rat.


Notice of Award: Collaboration with Dr. Grill and Dr. Ludwig on our NIH SPARC Project to visualize the vagus nerve using novel imaging techniques.

Summer 2020

The Great Flood 2020! The lab is flooded and moves to the 5th floor

March 2020

Global Pandemic; Lab Moves Virtual

March 2020

Notice of Award: Danny received the prestigious NSF GRFP Fellowship. Congratulations Danny!

March 2020

Book Chapter Accepted: Shoffstall and Capadona published a chapter on Bioelectronic Neural Implants in the new Biomaterials Science Textbook edited by Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert

Shoffstall, Andrew J., and Jeffrey R. Capadona. “2.5.7 - Bioelectronic Neural Implants.” In Biomaterials Science (Fourth Edition), edited by William R. Wagner, Shelly E. Sakiyama-Elbert, Guigen Zhang, and Michael J. Yaszemski, 1153–68. Academic Press, 2020.

In this chapter, we discuss the fundamentals required for understanding the field of bioelectronics devices. We provide an overview of specific technologies, applications, and failure modes for existing and emerging approaches. Biomaterials-based strategies are a key to helping to solve some of the major problems in the field: chronic stability, biological tissue response and biocompatibility, and commercialization potential. The chapter is not intended to be a comprehensive and exhaustive list of all the latest technical developments as the field is rapidly changing. The intended reader is instead the new biomaterials-focused undergraduate or early graduate student interested in gaining an appreciation of the high level technical and physiological considerations in neural bioelectronic interfacing.


Manuscript Accepted: Congratulations James! Trevathan et al., "A Truly Injectable Neural Stimulation Electrode Made from an In Body Curing Polymer/Metal Composite" Advanced Healthcare Materials

Trevathan, J. K., I. W. Baumgart, E. N. Nicolai, B. A. Gosink, A. J. Asp, M. L. Settell, S. R. Polaconda, et al. “An Injectable Neural Stimulation Electrode Made from an In-Body Curing Polymer/Metal Composite.” Adv Healthc Mater 8, no. 23 (December 2019): e1900892.

Implanted neural stimulation and recording devices hold vast potential to treat a variety of neurological conditions, but the invasiveness, complexity, and cost of the implantation procedure greatly reduce access to an otherwise promising therapeutic approach. To address this need, a novel electrode that begins as an uncured, flowable prepolymer that can be injected around a neuroanatomical target to minimize surgical manipulation is developed. Referred to as the Injectrode, the electrode conforms to target structures forming an electrically conductive interface which is orders of magnitude less stiff than conventional neuromodulation electrodes. To validate the Injectrode, detailed electrochemical and microscopy characterization of its material properties is performed and the feasibility of using it to stimulate the nervous system electrically in rats and swine is validated. The silicone-metal-particle composite performs very similarly to pure wire of the same metal (silver) in all measures, including exhibiting a favorable cathodic charge storage capacity (CSCC ) and charge injection limits compared to the clinical LivaNova stimulation electrode and silver wire electrodes. By virtue of its simplicity, the Injectrode has the potential to be less invasive, more robust, and more cost-effective than traditional electrode designs, which could increase the adoption of neuromodulation therapies for existing and new indications.

Notice of Award: Lab is awarded NIH U18; collaboration with Kip Ludwig, Doug Weber, Scott Lempka, Neuronoff Inc., to evaluate injectable electrode system for minimally invasive DRG stimulation

Summer 2019

Notice of Award:  Lab is awarded first VA Merit Review; collaboration with Anirban Sen Gupta, Haima Therapeutics to study platelet-inspired drug delivery to intracortical microelectrodes

Summer 2019

First Ph D Students Join: Welcome to Danny Lam and Kevin Yang!!!

Summer 2019

Lab Established

July 2019

Case Western Reserve University

Biomedical Engineering 

Neural Engineering Center

Misc Unsorted Grants

VA Merit I01RX003420

Active, Shoffstall / Capadona (PI), Role: PI 

08/01/2020 - 01/31/2024 

Optimizing Delivery of a Known Therapeutic Agent, Dexamethasone, to Improve Microelectrode Recording Performance 

Abbott Neuromodulation Sponsored Contract

Active, Shoffstall (PI), Role: PI

11/01/2021 - 12/31/2023

Physiological / anatomical substrates of evoked compound action potentials during spinal cord stimulation

CVRx Sponsored Contrat

Active, Shoffstall (PI), Role: PI

12/01/2022 - 11/30/2023

Multiscale imaging of the carotid sinus nerve

Ohio Third Frontier Research Incentive

Active, Shoffstall (PI), Role: PI

11/01/2021 - 11/01/2023

Injectable multi-level sacral root neuromodulation interface for the treatment of SCI bladder dysfunction

VA ShEEP 1IS1BX005546-01

Completed, Shoffstall (PI), Role: PI

01/01/2021 - 01/01/2021

ShEEP Request for Ultra-High-Frequency Ultrasound VisualSonics Imaging System

Liva Nova Sponsored Contract UW#SPN00878

Completed, Ludwig (PI), Role: Co-I

05/16/2020 - 09/30/2020

Computational Modeling, Functional Validation of the Imthera Lead to Limit Off Target Effects of Cervical Vagus Stimulation

VA CDA-1 1IK1RX002492-01A2

Completed, Shoffstall (PI), Role: PI

05/01/2018 - 05/01/2020

VA RR&D Career Development Award -1: Dynamically Softening Microelectrodes to Improve Neural Recording Performance

DARPA Seedling N66001-17-2-4010, 801K356

Completed, Williams (PI), Role: Co-I

11/21/2017 - 11/21/2018

Development of an Adaptable Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Platform